Gunpla in Miami Gundam Wing Build off is finally here!! Below is all the info. If you have Questions please ask here.
I also want to thank The Gundam Project Shop, Stumpy, GoalieZero , and Vandrillee for helping me with this. Im so excited to see what everyone builds, since Im a huge Gundam Wing fan.
No dioramas, resin conversions, 3rd party kits/ 3rd party weapon kits, Kit must be from Gundam wing, Ew, and G unit ( All kit grades are ok). and only one entry allowed per person. Small base is okay.
Custom modification, kit bashing ( Only Gundam Wing Kits), scratch building allowed.
3D printing allowed but only for detail parts (hands, verniers, Etc).
Fully painted builds required. No snap builds or partially painted builds.
Bandai Gundam wing weapon sets are fine
There will be 3 winners and a Judges Choice- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Judges Choice
No obvious photo shopped photos
Gunpla In Miami
Jeremy from The Gundam project shop
Finish (painting: clean/weathered) 1-5 Points
Creativity (Modifications, Color, etc) 1-5 Points
Build (Seam/mold lines, nubs, etc) 1-5 Points
Pose & Photography 1-5 Points
Open for world-wide submissions.
Send entry email to: with email title: Gundam Wing Build Off.
**Entries can be sent in starting 08/01/21**
Email must include a photo of the kit you intend to use showing that it is brand new unbuilt or only snap built with no extra work yet. In the photo also include a HAND WRITTEN note with your name, country, and date.
You’ll receive a confirmation email within one week, but no need to wait for confirmation before commencing work!
Once you’ve finished reply *in the same email chain* with your finished photos.
Submit TEN photos (exactly) finished photos of your build No later than 10/31/21 11:59pm est. Among your ten images include every angle of the kit, full body, and close up.
Once your final entry is received you’ll once again receive a confirmation email.
Winners will be selected and announced shortly after the deadline of 10/31/21.
Provided by Gunpla In Miami, Stumpy, GoalieZer0, Vandrillee, and My Sponsor The Gundam Project Shop
P-bandai Altron and $50 Amazon Gift card
Mg nu ver ka and rg nu
mg ginn and $25 Amazon Gift card
Judges Choice GoalieZer0 secrect prize
Also Gold, Silver, Bronze Zaku head trophies will be giving to the winners Gunpla in Miami on FB.